Finance & Economics

5 things businesses can implement to make working environment more Covid secure

Chloe Marchbank

Freelance writer


Adjusting to the Covid-19 pandemic is something everyone has had to cope with. Whether you’re an adult or a child, work in an office or from home, everyone has had to alter their ways of life, and businesses have had to adapt too.

We’re going to take a look at some of the ways businesses have had to adjust and things they can do to make the working environment Covid secure.

Covid business

5 things businesses can implement to make working environment more Covid secure. Source:

Hand washing stations

One of the biggest changes businesses can make to keep the working environment safe is to install hand-washing stations around the premises. While having antibacterial hand gel is good while you’re on the go, a fully-functioning hand-washing station where employees can wash their hands for the recommended 20 seconds with soap and water is a much better solution for offices and other places of work.

Reduce the workforce

Depending on the size of your premises, you may need to reduce your workforce to allow for social distancing. While you are reducing the number of employees on-site, you could still have some working from home to ensure work is still able to be done. When having people back in the workplace you should organise a one-way system where possible to prevent crossover.

Manage customers, visitors and contractors

As well as having procedures in place to protect staff, you will also need to protect customers and visitors to your premises. Allow a maximum number of people in at one time to allow for social distancing.

Adding markers on the floor can help guide people and tell them where they need to stand safely. If you have any contractors onsite, you will need to tell them what Covid protocols you have in place so they can follow them. You should know the time they plan to arrive and how long they intend to be onsite.

Have good ventilation

Ventilation is essential, especially if your business is located inside an office. HSE explains “Good ventilation (including air conditioning) can help reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. There are simple steps you can take to improve ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature in your workplace.”

These include:

  • Having a desk and ceiling fans
  • Air cleaning and filtration units.

Follow government advice

One of the biggest things a business can do to ensure the working environment is more Covid secure is to follow government advice.

This could mean maintaining working from home where possible, masks need to be worn in communal areas and social distancing needs to be in place, whatever guidelines are in place, businesses need to follow them to protect themselves, their staff and their customers.


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