Citizens can now enjoy effortless proof of identity, attributes and rights, by accessing their official documents on a single and secure platform on their smartphones
Thales announced the launch of Gemalto Digital ID Wallet. With an ever-increasing number of governments opting to digitalize official documents, the new wallet will enable citizens to keep all their vital credentials in a single secure location. As well as fulfilling the role of traditional paper documents in real-world use cases, for example when voting at a polling station, the Digital ID Wallet also supports seamless authentication online. Users can gain access to a growing range of eServices, such as completing online tax returns and welfare claims.
The Digital ID Wallet is designed to only share with third parties information that the citizen is willing to share. So, when accessing age-restricted venues such as a casino, the user merely has to demonstrate that they are old enough to do so, not revealing their exact age or identity details.
The Digital ID Wallet also brings governments and citizens closer, by facilitating timely reminders about vaccinations or being informed our new ePassport is ready for collection through the app notifications.
On top, Thales has designed its Mobile Security Core to protect the Digital ID Wallet against advanced threats and malware attacks, and fulfilling the highest and most stringent security requirements of governments.
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