Science & Technology

Gemalto will digitalize mobile subscriber enrollment

 Trusted Digital Identity Services Platform addresses the multiple challenges of streamlining customer onboarding

Gemalto will digitalize mobile subscriber enrollment. Source:

Gemalto announces its Trusted Digital Identity Services Platform, which performs everything needed by mobile operators to digitalize customer enrollment, including the capture, verification, and authentication of customer credentials and biometrics, both in-store and online.

With Gemalto Trusted Digital Identity Services Platform, mobile network operators can address challenges such as compliance with anti-fraud regulations as well as the need to implement far more efficient processes for customer enrollment. Solutions can be tailored precisely to the specific requirements of each individual MNO, and its subscribers.

The first stage is to capture the customer’s personal details, using supporting evidence from a diversity of ID documents or other types of customer credentials, along with biometrics, including fingerprints and facial capture with liveness detection.

Relevant personal details are extracted automatically from the customer’s documents, speeding the process of form filling and minimizing any risk of errors. All the captured information is verified in real time using the platform and, if required, third party checks can also be integrated.

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