
Here’s how Brits put themselves at risk of fraud

Millions of British citizens put themselves at risk of fraud every year


Here’s how Brits put themselves at risk of fraud. Source:

According to Lloyds Bank, over 30% of Brits are not sure that they have shared some sensitive information on social media. It is the point that could create a severe worry and put them at risk of fraud.

Males are more confident in scam spots as compared to women. However, till now, one out of ten people do not know or even have not heard about the common scams in the UK.

One of the common reasons for putting themselves at risk is to share personal information on their social media. It is the wrong perception of most people that they wouldn’t be a victim to scammers. More than 29% believe that fraud through social media will not happen to them.

The average Brit has around 300 friends on Facebook but interacts with only 28% of them in real life. Worryingly, a third have accepted a friend or follow a request from someone they don’t know personally. Meanwhile, 25% are unaware of who can see their social media posts. 12% don’t know how to change privacy settings on social media to prevent strangers from seeing their posts.

The evolution of social media and the trend to share information increased the threat of online fraud. These pages work as the window shop for hackers and help them to approach your sensitive information. It is a piece of cake for scammers to access user’s personal information from online data. They manipulate the data and use different tricks to reach their financial information.

Social media profiles are a shop window to scammers on the lookout for their next target, so it’s important that everyone thinks seriously about what protections they have in place to ensure they stay safe online. Our partnership with Johnny’s Chop Shop aims to show how easy it is for anyone to get hold of personal information from what people post online. This could then be used to manipulate a person in a number of ways, from unknowingly becoming a money mule, to having someone take out a loan or credit card in their name
Paul Davis, Retail Fraud Director at Lloyds Bank

We’ve reported that 63% of Europeans abandon digital bank apps.


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