Finance & Economics

How Good Onboarding Can Enhance Your ROI

Eada Hudes



You get the essence of a better onboarding process if the employees become fully competent and start being productive. An onboarding strategy impacts productivity and employee retention. Finding and appointing new talent costs a considerable sum of money. And you do not want to get it wasted. Therefore, assistance from HR onboarding software to train your employees is a must. And also calculating beforehand the investment you need to make in the onboarding process is a necessity. 


5 main pillars of onboarding ROI: 

  • Automated tasks and reminders: Using advanced workflow management within an onboarding system to automate the manual, repetitive procedures, an HR staff has to do, can enable them to focus on what they do best, i.e managing people rather than processes, which in turn increases productivity throughout the organization.
  • Reduced turnover: A planned onboarding program fosters early employee engagement at work and confirms the hiring decision. A report from Glassdoor suggests a reduction in employee turnover by 82% and an increase in productivity by 70% thus avoiding the recruitment and time expenditures involved in continuously hiring new employees.
  • Increment in productivity: Effective onboarding reduces the amount of time taken by a recruit to settle in and reach the peak of productivity. 
  • Encourage Compliance: A well-designed onboarding solution guarantees that all regulatory requirements are completed with e-signatures. This makes it easier to properly sign and store employment contracts and corporate regulations online.
  • Improvement in work culture: Greater employee engagement, reduced turnover, and improved financial performance are a few advantages that organizations with strong cultures enjoy over other peer industries.

Effects on ROI because of  good onboarding:

  • Enhances employee engagement and productivity: Training, integration into the workplace, and face-to-face interaction are all important components of a successful onboarding strategy. The end goal of this process is to ensure the adjustment of the staff members working for your company. 

Employees are most equipped to operate effectively for you when they become fully integrated into the company and learn about the work culture, resulting in increased productivity and general involvement. Employees can get a sense of the work environment, expectations, and tasks by using an appropriate and efficient onboarding method which leads to the consequent growth of your company with increased employee engagement and productivity.

  • Improved customer interaction: Your company’s success depends on your customers. Furthermore, you want your employees to be well prepared to handle clients. Another significant return of an effective onboarding plan is having employees who are well-equipped to deal with consumers.

When interacting with consumers, an untrained employee could showcase a blunt side of the company whereas, a trained employee will know how to help customers and make their experience as positive as possible.

Customers can recommend your business to others in their areas by posting reviews about you online. You want consumer feedback to be positive as a business owner.

  • More reliable staff: Every company seeks out talented workers. This is simply a starting point when it comes to actually calculating an ROI for onboarding, though. Having competent employees is obviously crucial, but the real return on investment occurs when your workforce is genuinely committed to your business. By doing this, you automatically improve retention rates.

Harvard Business Review also highlights the advantages of employee loyalty. Most loyal workers remain with the business and assist in maintaining the company’s reputation by maintaining a healthy client-staff relationship. 

  1. Attracts more top talents: When your company grows, it is obvious for you to hire. Having said that, you want to hire only the top talents to work for you. The quality of the individuals working for you will always triumph over the quantity. 

Some prospective new hires might want to know more about your onboarding procedure. Many employees even want to know if their employers will provide them with the training and resources they need to succeed. You can convince potential employees that they will receive the appropriate training and feedback if you have a robust onboarding approach.

  • A step ahead of other businesses: The corporate environment is inherently competitive. Keeping a few steps ahead of the competition never hurts, especially as the business world becomes more complex and technologically integrated. An advantage over rivals is provided by effective onboarding in a number of ways. You first avoid the financial, emotional, and time expenses of turnover. Second, retaining staff shows that people like working for you. It is a well-known fact that workers who enjoy their jobs are more likely to be in the company for longer. Sometimes, all it takes to create a successful business is to stay out of the pitfalls that your rivals have made. This frequently entails ensuring that the staff enjoys working for your business because it is difficult for competitors to keep people.

The success and longevity of your company might be determined by the onboarding strategy you choose. This is something to keep in mind not only when the onboarding process is taking place, but also when you are deciding what your onboarding process will involve.

  • Uprooting poor caliber: Getting rid of the least compatible caliber during onboarding is important, whether you like it or not. It can prevent long-term headaches, making a significant return on investment. To begin with, your company’s onboarding procedure will demonstrate whether a new worker is qualified for the position.

If they are not, it is best to release them as this might also help them analyze any other career path which might suit them best. And this even gives you as a business owner the best opportunity to reduce your losses. Additionally, eliminating problematic workers during onboarding lessens the impact of turnover. Without a solid onboarding plan, the incorrect employee can stay with your business for months and waste your time and money.


A strong onboarding approach is quite important, as you would have surmised from the ROIs described above. The many elements of your onboarding process may change depending on the specifics of your organization. It’s always a good idea to keep the ROIs listed above in mind while you build up and implement your onboarding process. The main line, though, is that a successful onboarding approach can only benefit and add value to your business. The above-mentioned ROIs might assist in providing insight on how a better onboarding has the capacity to enhance ROI.

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