
Sellers received 3 new ways to send offers to buyers on eBay

Sellers can now send offers to buyers with an exclusive discount

Sellers received 3 new ways to send offers to buyers on eBay. Source:

eBay is giving sellers more tools to reach out to interested buyers so that they can sell more and move faster. Buyers express interest in items listed on eBay in many ways, such as watching those items or adding them to cart. The marketplace is now introducing three new ways sellers can send an offer to interested buyers with Seller Initiated Offer — offers to watchers, offers to buyers who have an item in their cart, and offers in message.

The marketplace is now introducing three new ways sellers can send an offer to interested buyers. Source:

For example, if a buyer adds shoes to their cart or puts them on their watch list, that’s a signal that a buyer is interested in an item. With Seller Initiated Offers, the seller can go into the Seller Hub (Active Listings) to the specific listing and see that people have shown interest. In a matter of seconds, the seller can send an exclusive offer with a personalized message. This offer will go to buyers that are watching or have that item in the cart. That message reaches up to the 10 most recent people who expressed an interest in the item, ensuring that the offer is always relevant.

Sending offers to watchers and offers in message have already launched. The company plans to launch offers to buyers with an item in their cart later this year.

In an instant, those buyers will receive a notification of the new offer in the app or via email and can make the purchase.

SEE ALSO: How to sell on eBay

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