
US fintech issues metal cards with no fees

The company uses proprietary technology giving users automatic credit score optimization metal card

US fintech issues metal cards with no fees. Source:

US-based company has introduced a metal credit card that charges no fees according to the terms of the Guaranty.

The report states that all users will receive a full face true metal card, 24/7 phone support answered by a human and not a robot.

The company will also provide instant deposits, mobile check capture, payroll, and other direct deposits 2 days early. Besides, the onboarding process allows users to start spending within minutes of applying.’s consumers can already apply to join’s limited private beta.

Banking is so regulated, so antiquated, so daunting, it's understandable why consumer card products have barely changed over the past decade. Thankfully, we're a crew of hackers, artists, and scientists, with just a couple recovering bankers in the mix. While's in-house talent ranges from astrophysicists to 3D Animators, several of its "recovering bankers'' were the founders of ING Direct, the beloved $90 Billion "good guy" bank. Our outsider perspective has been one of our greatest assets. We're not imprinted with traditional concepts of what's possible or expected, so we get to believe we can tackle any idea we dream up, as long as we have enough coffee
Ry Brown, CEO and co-founder

We’ve reported that the global online banking market size is expected to reach $20.5 billion by 2026, up from $9.1 billion in 2019.


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