Fintech & Ecommerce - page 164


Global fintech funding reached nearly $112 billion in 2018

This is one of the findings of the KPMG Pulse of Fintech report


Fintech in 2019: Machine learning, and people?

Anastasiya Shevchenko Author of the “Digital Era” Founder and CEO of Fintech Solutions LLC If, in the beginning, the home geographies of Fintech predominantly were such giants as the UK, the USA and China, then in 2018 about 40% of Fintech–investments became truly global. Within 2018 more than 1463 new Fintech-startups appeared. Dynamics in the […]


Bank from UAE launched personal finance management app

The bank has selected Strands as its key FinTech partner


Nordic payment service provider strengthens presence in Poland

Payment service provider Nets strengthens presence in Poland


Fintech startup launched Debt Analyzer

Fintech startup Debt MD launches Smart Debt Analyzer Tool


More customers can now use Apple Pay in France

Apple Pay expands its coverage in France


Banks vs. startups: from observers to active partners

Anastasiya Shevchenko Author of the “Digital Era” Founder and CEO of Fintech Solutions LLC The beginning of each year according to an established tradition becomes for us a time of summing up last year’s results and setting new goals for the coming year. Fintech experts and bankers during this period are betting about the future […]


Barclays announces 2019 FinTech Accelerator

Barclays announces 2019 London Accelerator class


Visa offers payment processing services in new market

Financial institutions, merchants and consumers will gain access to new ways to pay and be paid


Optician chain & fintech firm offer innovative contact lens subscription

Sweden’s largest optician chain has implemented mobile contact lens subscription


UnionPay expanded its coverage in Europe

UnionPay is accepted at all ATMs and about 90% of POS terminals in Switzerland


International conferences 2019: business, finance, and technology

If you would like to save time and money, it is much better to decide which conferences you will attend in 2019 right now


UnionPay increases its acceptance coverage in India

UnionPay cardholders visiting India will get better payment experience

Finance & Economics

Japan’s biggest bank launches fund to promote investments in FinTech

The fund has hired venture capitalists who have wide experiences of working with and investing in Japanese and global startups


Two countries introduced blockchain-based international remittances

Blockchain technology backed home remittances from Malaysia to Pakistan to promote financial inclusion


Mastercard removes its name from the logo

Digital payment company believes new logo fits better with a digital environment

Fintech & Ecommerce