Science & Technology

Satya Nadella Calls on India to Seize Opportunity of AI

Satya Nadella, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation, called on the world’s countries to step up investment in the artificial intelligence industry.

Satya Nadella Calls on India to Seize Opportunity of AI

In the context of the mentioned appeal, Mr. Nadella cited India as an example. According to him, this South Asian country has an unprecedented opportunity to intensify the process of economic growth through the use of artificial intelligence technologies.

The head of Microsoft noted that machine intelligence is really in the air now. He described artificial intelligence as a technology that largely determines the configuration of the current moment of historical reality, during a speech to leaders of the AI industry at the famous Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai. Satya Nadella stated that he had never seen such a rate of spread of any technology in the 70-year computer era, which could be compared with the intensity of the introduction of AI into the processes of human activity.

The head of Microsoft separately noted that this corporation could train machine intelligence skills to 2 million people in India. In this context, it should be noted that Satya Nadella was born and lived in the mentioned South Asian country for more than 20 first years of his life, which is why his interest in the relevant region is deeper than exclusively commercial interest within the pragmatic paradigm of perception. The head of Microsoft said that those states that implement artificial intelligence get a chance to expand their experience in the space of the technology industry and have access to a tool to accelerate economic growth. In his opinion, AI will become a factor of influence on the dynamic of GDP in a positive sense.

Microsoft, thanks to its understanding of technological realities in terms of their prospects, has been at the forefront of the development of machine intelligence. Moreover, this corporation based in Redmond, Washington, was one of the first to take actions aimed at commercializing advanced technology using its set of software offerings. Microsoft has also invested more than $10 billion in OpenAI, a startup that has developed the world’s most popular artificial intelligence-based chatbot called ChatGPT. The corporation continues to cooperate with the mentioned firm, which is at an early stage of existence, as part of the work on the creation of new products and services.

Currently, India as a technological space is gradually transforming into a kind of competition territory for artificial intelligence. There are more than 5 million programmers in this country. This number of specialists forms a kind of reserve, which has the potential to create in India many startups specializing in advanced technologies and a global business of similar functional orientation. More than 5 million programmers are a serious advantage of the South Asian country in the context of competitiveness in the artificial intelligence industry since many other countries face a shortage of such specialists. Satya Nadella said that the community of machine intelligence engineers in India is second only to the United States.

Mr. Nadella became the head of Microsoft in February 2014. Each of his visits to India is what can be described as a lavish meeting. Over the past decade, Satya Nadella has presided over a 1,000 percent rise in the stock market. Microsoft has managed to become the most valuable brand in the world by pushing it past Apple.

Many participants of the Mumbai event said it was an incredible privilege and honor of a lifetime for them to meet with the head of the largest technology corporation.

Microsoft has invested heavily in India. The corporation has funded technology centers in Bangalore and Hyderabad, where more than 23,000 people work. Last year, Microsoft promised to train 100,000 Indian developers on the latest artificial intelligence tools and technologies.

During a speech in Mumbai, Satya Nadella, in the context of discussions on AI as a commercial factor, mentioned the United Kingdom, whose economic system demonstrated rapid growth after the leadership of this country decided to invest 10% of GDP in railways. The head of Microsoft also noted that financial injections related to artificial intelligence have prospects in such areas as scientific research, quantum computing, and ecology in the context of addressing climate change issues. According to him, AI models are similar to the world’s foundries.

As we have reported earlier, Microsoft CEO Characterizes Google’s Dominance in Search as Its Advantage in Area of AI.

Serhii Mikhailov

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Serhii’s track record of study and work spans six years at the Faculty of Philology and eight years in the media, during which he has developed a deep understanding of various aspects of the industry and honed his writing skills; his areas of expertise include fintech, payments, cryptocurrency, and financial services, and he is constantly keeping a close eye on the latest developments and innovations in these fields, as he believes that they will have a significant impact on the future direction of the economy as a whole.