Deutsche Bank - page 2

Finance & Economics

Deutsche Bank sells its Italian advisory unit

The closure of the transaction is subject, among others, to regulatory approval


Deutsche Bank announced partnership with Oracle

The bank selected Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer to consolidate key databases in its selected data centers


Deutsche Bank and Fiserv formed joint venture in Germany

The joint venture expects to serve several thousand clients from the start


Deutsche Bank teamed up with Silverflow for card acquiring services

The partnership will include two new payment services, which are expected to launch this fall

Finance & Economics

Deutsche Bank to develop multi-bank services through new partnership

They aim to focus on new products and services

Finance & Economics

Deutsche Bank boosts partnership with fintech giant

They aim to jointly develop innovative digital payment solutions for companies


Deutsche Bank launches payments platform in Thailand

2C2P is Southeast Asia’s payments platform provider


Bond market trends in G7 countries and COVID-19: analysis

As lockdowns lingered and fears grew, it directly impacted bond markets everywhere

Finance & Economics

Deutsche Bank launched app tracking customers’ carbon footprint

The team interviewed over 100 people in and outside the bank to gauge interest in the app

Fintech & Ecommerce

Fintech unicorn works with Deutsche Bank to launch new FX services

The new collaboration will enhance the way businesses move and manage money across borders

Science & Technology

Deutsche Bank and Google announce partnership

Companies plan to sign a multi-year contract within the next few months

Society & Lifestyle

How much money Germans managed to save during lockdown: study

Germans managed to save little money during Q1 2020

Finance & Economics

10 leading banks in Europe

Check the list of the leading banks in Europe according to their total assets

Finance & Economics

Popular German bank launches Private Bank

The bank is currently serving 3.4 million private, wealth, and commercial clients

Science & Technology

Germans use cards more often than cash

Contactless cards became particularly popular among Germans

Finance & Economics

Deutsche Bank teams up with fintech firm

The agreement will form one of the largest banking networks across Europe