Explained - page 28

Blockchain & Crypto

Will Bitcoin fall to $17K?

What does the future hold for the crypto pioneer, and will it fall to the lows of late 2020?


Types of bank fees and tips on how to avoid them

We have prepared an overview of the bank fees applicable in various situations as well as the ways to avoid them

Science & Technology

Car leasing explained: how to lease a car

Car leasing is one of the ways of getting a car at your disposal

Blockchain & Crypto

What is staking?

Let’s clarify exactly what it means


Inditex will charge returns: what does it mean to global retail?

Now returning a Zara dress which doesn’t fit might cost you a few bucks. What’s behind the decision of the clothing giant and what does it mean for global retail?

Finance & Economics

What are the best stocks to buy during inflation?

If we track the correlation between inflation and stock values, we can distinguish shares that are the best choice in inflationary times


What is tokenization and how it prevents fraud

The main aim of tokenization is to prevent fraud


Who created cryptocurrency?

The history of cryptocurrencies is full of mysteries. One of them is the name of the main crypto founder


Why are some NFTs worth millions?

How are those non-fungible assets estimated and where do they get their value from? That’s what we’re going to discover today


Why might Russia not be able to pay its debts?

Here’s why Russia might not be able to pay its debts in the near future


Descubre los datos que debes saber sobre la Ley Fintech mexicana 

La ley Fintech mexicana fue uno de los primeros cuerpos normativos creados puntualmente para promover la innovación, así como la transformación de los servicios financieros tradicionales de banca y crédito


Guerra cibernética contra Rusia: así es como Anonymous se venga de Putin

Además de la guerra convencional entre Rusia y Ucrania, se está viviendo una intensa guerra cibernética y, el colectivo de hacktivistas Anonymous, ha liderado numerosos ataques exitosos y ha inutilizado sitios web gubernamentales, corporativos y de noticias rusos. El colectivo de hackers Anonymous no ha cesado de bombardear a Rusia con ciberataques desde que declaró […]


What is cryptocurrency mining?

The сrурtосurrеnсу creation process is called mining


¿Por qué Rusia invadió Ucrania?

La invasión rusa a Ucrania no solo ha desestabilizado la región, sino que también ha afectado a la economía mundial incrementando la inflación, los precios del petróleo y los del gas. Además, existe la preocupación a nivel global de que la invasión rusa pueda provocar un choque de potencias nucleares. El intento de Vladimir Putin […]


Machine learning for dummies

Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it