Explained - page 30


Top strategies to invest in crypto explained

Now it’s time to consider the two basic investment strategy types for tokens

Finance & Economics

Which European countries don’t use the euro?

Do you know how many countries use the euro? Do you know which European countries have retained their own currency?


What is Fintech alcohol payment?

Fintech (Financial Information Technologies) is a payment and data solution for the alcohol industry. Here’s how it works

Finance & Economics

Biden’s infrastructure plan: how would it work?

President Biden’s administration has developed a few ambitious plans aimed at restoring various spheres of the American socio-economic landscape

Blockchain & Crypto

Why has El Salvador accepted Bitcoin as legal currency?

The decision of El Salvador to make Bitcoin one of the legally accepted currencies has puzzled many observers. What’s in it for the smallest country in Central America?


What is CHAPS payment?

Automated payment systems introduced by Clearing Houses in the 1970s-1980s eliminated a lot of manual work and facilitated cashless payments. Today, we’ll explore how it works in England

Fintech & Ecommerce

What is ACH payment?

In the payment industry, there’s a number of confusing terms. Automated Clearing House (ACH) is one of them. Thus, we’re aiming to clarify ACH payments for all those concerned


When was Bitcoin created?

If you’re new to the crypto world, you may wonder how old the oldest crypto is. PaySpace Magazine has the answer for you

Science & Technology

Can a web app ever be secure?

How secure are web apps and can you ever rely on them for safe data storage?


What is a financial pyramid scheme?

Thousands of people who wanted to multiply their wealth have fallen victim to financial pyramid schemes. What are those exactly and how do you identify one?


What is a collection agency?

You wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call from an unknown person. When you pick up the phone, you hear a monotonous recorded message reminding you about your debts. It may seem like a nightmare, but such abusive collection practices affect millions of people all over the world


¿Qué es el esquema piramidal?

El esquema piramidal o la estafa financiera piramidal, se ha convertido en una forma de fraude cada vez más común, a través de la cual millones de personas han perdido todo su patrimonio o grandes sumas de dinero por poner su capital en negocios no confiables


Getting ready for retirement: 7 easy steps

Put these 7 steps on your checklist to meet retirement on full alert


Explained: European Commission wants to ban anonymous crypto wallets

Recent statements from the European Commission reminded the shocked crypto community of some dystopian fiction where Big Brother is always watching. The proposed regulation on banning anonymous crypto wallets means the industry is doomed. Or is it? Let’s take a closer look.


What are the best stablecoins?

Today, we’ll describe the best stablecoins on the market


Stablecoin vs fiat currencies

We’ll discuss all of these topics in today’s article