Japan - page 6


Asian countries will recover from COVID-19 faster than Western

The coronacrisis has made major economies except for China plunge into recession last year


Women and money: famous females on banknotes

The women featured on currency notes from all around the world


Amazon Fresh delivery service expands to one more country

This service offers same-day grocery deliveries in two-hour slots


E-commerce sales in Japan to surpass $260B by 2024

Japan is one of the most developed e-commerce markets globally and ranks 2nd in Asia, following China


Bond market trends in G7 countries and COVID-19: analysis

As lockdowns lingered and fears grew, it directly impacted bond markets everywhere


Hands down, chill out: which countries work the shortest hours?

Guess which country has the shortest working week

Blockchain & Crypto

Which countries run national digital currencies?

… and why they have nothing to do with crypto