Regulation - page 24


UN urges to restrict crypto in developing countries

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) released three policy briefs on the dangers of the rising use of cryptocurrency in developing countries

Finance & Economics

Working group that will determine the future of UK open banking now has a leader

UK regulators have started forming a strategic working group (SWG) to formulate the future of open banking


Tech giants should share telecom network costs: France, Italy and Spain urge

France, Italy and Spain are urging legislation that ensures Big Tech firms partly finance telecom infrastructure in EU

Finance & Economics

Big banks get fined over customer ID and opening fake accounts

SEC and CFPB charged leading US banking institutions over deficient customer identity programs and opening unauthorized accounts


UK to regulate stablecoins

UK government will regulate stablecoins according to the recently published Financial Services and Markets Bill

Finance & Economics

ECB lifts rates to tame inflation

The European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates by 50 basis points trying to control inflation in the eurozone


CFPB enhances data privacy and cybersecurity rules

The new legislation will restrict the exploitation of personal data in background screenings and credit reports