
5 best Business-Driven Development testing strategies

Susanna Balashova



Business-Driven Development (BDD) is an expansion of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and its main purpose is to highlight any emerging features that are based on writing code and user stories. This is to help provide the actual barriers that may exist. What BDD essentially includes is that description of the concept is provided by the client or customer so the team of developers can then interpret the practices to meet the required business objectives.

After this, QA technicians come in to check the logic of each component and because testers have a changing mindset on the topic, BDD demands proficiency in mastering unique skills. Perhaps more importantly, it calls for these teams to develop a streamlined working process.

BDD strategies

5 best Business-Driven Development testing strategies. Source:

Both BDD and TDD have played significant roles in transforming how software testing is done around the world today in an agile approach and continue to gain momentum too. We see this implementation take place with the movement towards Shift Left testing by many QA consulting services. This is to consistently remain compliant with Agile and BDD methodologies.

Test creation isn’t seen as favourably as it once used to and is now being considered as provisions to the code. Therefore, BDD may help these approaches better settle in development. It is also recommended that instead of creating tests, QA consulting services focus on understanding how the application or software will perform from the user’s point of view. This completely changes how QA technicians would normally define their role. QA testers can now practice their skills during the early stages of the development process in order to better understand the requirements.

This is done by building executable scenarios. To put it simply, the scenarios mentioned by users are changed into executable tests and BDD frameworks adapt to them seamlessly. This benefits the business quite a lot as the entire team generates a lot of scenarios between them to cover every angle. This helps achieve greater collaboration levels between all domains of the software development lifecycle. Such an approach also yields greater customer satisfaction.

Here are a few methods for BDD testers that are increasingly gaining traction and understand how these help multiple teams:

1. Attempt to understand BDD concept thoroughly

BDD requires a totally different position for software testers and that they should realize that as per this approach, “bug may be a missing scenario”, if something doesn’t get worked after execution, then it implies that you simply haven’t built such a scenario. To understand the BDD process for software testers means knowing that their aim isn’t to get bugs, however, to counteract them within the beginning period of development.

2. Get a transparent & precise specification

It is really very essential to take clear and precise requirements from the software owner so that you may have an entire understanding of the system’s behaviour and consider all possible scenarios. At various discussions on specifications issues, the testers’ objective is to believe the way to break the system and build such scenarios is an approach to prevent them after the project execution.

3. Jot the feature lists

After having an in-depth conversation with an enterprise, you would like to scribble down all scenarios, requirements and expectations within the sort of feature lists. The team of software testers should be a neighbourhood of this process so as to form feature lists as wide as possible. You’ll draft better feature lists using Gherkin Language and its “background” feature enables you to avoid redundant tasks in every scenario, also as “Data Tables”. These allow for setting certain data as a precondition to the tests. For better organization of scenarios and features, you’ll make use of sub-folders and tags.

4. Recognize the implementation process

You need to travel through the implementation process of that specific feature lists and will collaborate with software developers. Comprehending each and each detail of the test code accelerates the entire process as you will not require overtime and efforts to work out what would be things and what if something goes wrong.

5. Ensure developers doesn’t modify feature lists

Sometimes, it’s going to happen that software developers wish to modify something in feature lists assuming that it might make the code simple or more powerful. Such modifications mean modifying requirements, and this must be acknowledged by the whole team and entrepreneurs/business owners.

It’s clear that today, one of the biggest challenges faced by software testers is to work with BDD methodologies. But understanding and incorporating these is vital in achieving a high-quality product. Understanding the best Behaviour-Driven Development strategies can be just the way to implement this in your QA consulting services company.


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