
How to play securely online

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How to play securely online. Source:

As the popularity of online games continues to grow, so does the importance of staying safe. Recent research from SuperData suggests that millennials spend an average of $112 on gaming each month, with billions of dollars spent all around the world each year. So, how can players stay safe?

Only use secure sites

The starting point for any online activity is with finding a secure, reliable site to use. These are typically those with a good reputation that you will find many good reviews for. Another clear sign of whether a site is secure is if the URL starts with HTTPS, this indicates that the site has an SSL certificate and is therefore secure. Also, if you are going to be playing with real money and registering with your personal details, such as playing on online casinos, for example, look for the TCP protocol and the use of encrypted data. This software is applied to many forms of gaming to help ensure the security of players’ details.

Continuing with the online casino gaming example, secure banking methods should also be available, where Neteller, Skrill, and Trustly are some of the banking methods on offer to play casino games with real money. They also confirm the processing times for deposits and withdrawals, as well as the minimum and maximum amounts, meaning that there are no surprises lurking there. Striving to use secure sites is a simple yet effective habit to adopt when playing online, all you have to do is check for the correct software, reviews, and if the site has an SSL certificate.

Use strong passwords

It can be tempting to use simple, easy-to-remember passwords and if you register with a number of different sites you might decide to use the same password for all of them. Yet, either of these approaches can compromise your security. It is far better to use a strong, complex password and two-step security even if the site doesn’t force you to do this.

At the end of 2020, 38% of gamers have had their accounts hacked at least once, and had already become one of the biggest targets for hackers after financial services. 34% also confirmed that they have had their personal details shared online without their consent.

Install a good anti-virus

These days, no-one should go online without having a good anti-virus program in place. Many players are happy using a free program, and these certainly give a decent level of protection at no cost and with little or no hassle.

However, if you regularly move a lot of money in and out of your gaming accounts, or plan to make money from your gaming activity, you might prefer to pay for a premium anti-virus service. This will typically include extra functions like a stronger firewall and greater protection when carrying out online banking transactions.

Don’t share your account

Everyone who plays online should use their own account, for security reasons. Sharing your account login details can greatly increase the risk of being hacked, even if you fully trust the person that you give them to. Sharing your password will probably also be a breach of the site’s terms and conditions.


Don’t get tricked into giving out your details

Hackers are now very smart about how they trick people into revealing their details, and many of them have gamers firmly in their sights. The simplest solution is to avoid giving any details to anyone that speaks to you on gaming sites, although if you are looking for a social experience then you might prefer to chat with others but within strict limits.

By following these simple steps, you can look to stay safer as you play, without losing any of the fun of doing so.


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