
Mastercard unveils its music single 

Mastercard confirmed that today the sonic melody is integrated at more than 7.6 million payment points worldwide

Mastercard music single

Mastercard unveils its music single. Source:

Mastercard announced the drop of its first-ever sonic-integrated music single. The company also started a collaboration with songwriter and producer Niclas Molinder to engage with up and coming global artists. Together, they aim to build upon the Mastercard sound architecture, bringing new meaning and purpose to the brand.

Introduced in 2019, the company’s sonic melody is believed to be a key component of how people recognize Mastercard today.

Sound is our next frontier for brand expression and a powerful way for us to reach consumers through the passions that connect us all. We’re thrilled to be partnering with Nadine on ‘Merry Go Round’ to integrate the recognizable sonic melody – underscoring the many ways that the branding can be used beyond traditional means
Raja Rajamannar, Mastercard chief marketing and communications officer

According to research conducted by Mastercard and GfK Global, 77% believe the Mastercard sonic sound made the transaction and the retail environment more trustworthy.


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