Blogs - page 5

Blockchain & Crypto

Trading platforms best used for crypto

Daria Trubichyna Content manager   To trade assets, securities, and other beneficial products, traders typically use trading platforms. They are interfaces that allow you to make market decisions with ample information and instruments. The MetaTrader (MT4, MT5) series are considered the most useful trading platforms, but there are others. Crypto can also be traded with […]

Science & Technology

More sustainable practices? Benefits of -used and refurbished phones

Daniel Martin Author   Mobile technologies have significantly evolved since the launch of the first affordable smartphone back in 2007 by Apple. Since then, mobile technologies have rapidly evolved, and their processing power has increased steadily. Currently, a significant percentage of the population owns smartphones. The necessity of having a smartphone has risen as they continuously […]

Blockchain & Crypto

The importance of big data and open source for the blockchain

Eun Rockwell Author   The blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof record-keeping. The technology has the power to revolutionize a wide range of industries, from banking and finance to healthcare and supply chain management. But in order for the blockchain to reach its full potential, it needs to be […]

Finance & Economics

3 strategies to enhance indirect procurement

Mian Azhar Author   Indirect procurement often accounts for more than 20% of the total business spend. Since it comprises unconsolidated, low-cost purchases, it’s easy to overlook indirect spending when looking for ways to lower operating costs. To ensure sustainable growth, organizations should optimize their indirect procurement by adopting smart strategies that eliminate wastage. 1. […]

Blockchain & Crypto

Why is it safe to invest in Bitcoin even in 2022?

Naileth Ariza B. Author   In 2021, the world of cryptocurrencies exploded, with individuals all across the world getting cognizant of the phenomenon and many deciding to invest. It has surpassed investment circles and is now a major topic in pop culture, with nearly everyone knowing someone who invests in cryptocurrency. Many people think it […]

Science & Technology

How to train more cybersecurity savvy employees

Ezra Bishop Author   Cyber awareness is crucial to a variety of different businesses. In fact, virtually every business incorporating technology and employing other people must have some form of policy or plan to stay secure when using the internet. How can you best train people to know the importance of cybersecurity and protecting your […]

Finance & Economics

The ultimate guide to creating a business with no money

John Brown Author   There are several businesses you can start without money. You just need these pro tips to guide you. Starting a business with no money can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. So, don’t let this hurdle stop you from starting your empire. This guide will discuss how much money you need […]

Society & Lifestyle

Things to know about legit crypto gambling

Bojana Raonic Author   Crypto gambling is rising in popularity in recent years. We believe it’s because the transactions are not tied to the player’s identity, making crypto gambling fully anonymous. Due to the advent of sites that take crypto gaming tokens and other blockchain solutions, the industry is experiencing a boom. Because bitcoin gaming […]

Fintech & Ecommerce

How to start earning in the fintech industry

Rob Talley Content writer   Today’s e-finance industry is full of useful solutions, from personal money management applications to simple investments. The term “fintech” covers almost every possible niche in the financial sector. Today, people want better control over their finances and are looking for new ways to do so. If you want to succeed […]


Skill Gaming Vs. Gambling: differences between skill-based games and gambling

Roger Wright Author   There has been confusion between skill-based games (Gaming) and gambling in the modern world as they are commonly used interchangeably. But, if they are not the same, what are the differences between them? We will share with you brief insights to understand both terms better. The term ‘Gaming’ was originally a […]

Blockchain & Crypto

How does ecash plan to overcome the problems of cryptocurrency?

Jean Nichols Author   Ecash is a new cryptocurrency that aims to solve the problems of other cryptocurrencies by promoting security, better reliability, increased transparency and regulation, and increased stability in the bitcoin era. With its regulation through the government, Ecash is one of the only cryptocurrencies that can be considered fully legal tender. Ecash’s […]


How to protect mobile devices and IoT with blockchain

Helen Wilson Content writer   It’s important to consider blockchain technology when you design a mobile security strategy. You can find out if this technique is right for your company by following the advice in this article. Everyone is aware that blockchain is the technical foundation of the well-known and controversial cryptocurrency Bitcoin. While the […]

Finance & Economics

How to prevent chargeback fraud

Isabella Goode Author   Chargebacks happen when a customer requires a bank to halt or reverse a transaction for a variety of reasons. They may not have received the products you shipped, or they may have received the wrong product and thus want their money back. These are legitimate chargeback concerns that can be addressed […]


Everything you need to know about the medicare advantage plan

Lowell Rice Content writer   This discussion covers an in-depth review of the Medicare Advantage plan, pros, cons, and valuable tips when looking for a Medical Advantage plan. An Overview of Medicare When choosing a Medicare plan, you’ll come across the Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare. Typically, these two insurance plans provide you with coverage […]

Finance & Economics

3 steps to follow to prepare and recession-proof your finances

Carolina d’Arbelles-Valle Content Writer   There are certain financial moves that it’s always sensible to make. For instance, there’s never a bad time to consider debt consolidation if you owe money to several entities and you’re trying to get out of debt. Other smart moves include saving for retirement and paying off the balance on your […]

Finance & Economics

An introduction to metal trading

Precious metals like gold and silver are coveted by everyone involved in the financial sphere, including traders, investors, and bankers. They are a considered a viable portfolio diversifier and may provide the investor with a hedge against inflation. Metal trading does not mean simply owning the physical metals, but also giving investors access to metal […]