The benefits are most likely to be seen in local high streets rather than in big cities
According to Barclays Corporate Banking research, 17,000 local high street stores could open over the next year as British shoppers adapt to a post-lockdown world by ‘looking local’.
In fact, British consumers have returned to physical stores with confidence since restrictions began to ease. For instance, 68% say they have felt safe, or very safe, to return to the high street.
Meanwhile, 40% of the respondents are planning on stepping up their in-store shopping over the coming year and 41% say that it is their favorite way to shop.
The research shows that home and hybrid working patterns will persist into 2022 for 44% of workers, with 16% expecting to work entirely from home and 28% anticipating a part-home, part-office model.
At the same time, a quarter of consumers now say that the best way a retailer can appeal to them is to open stores in their local area.
We’ve reported that Argentina starts embracing e-payments over cash.