Science & Technology

2020’s top consumer services trends unveiled

The research reveals that 5G networks are running in a number of regions, complete with handsets, hotspots and customer premises equipment (CPE)

top consumer services trends

2020’s top consumer services trends unveiled. Source:

According to GlobalData, 5G, digital brands, and cryptocurrencies are considered to be this year’s leading trends in consumer services.

Last year, GlobalData successfully predicted the crisis in 5G B2C commercial use cases, a new class of direct-to-consumer (D2C) content plays and the emergence of ‘raw broadband’ portfolios, allowing users to plug their own over-the-top (OTT) content into an over-arching carrier content management platform. Our predictions for 2020 once again underline the evolution of market disruption, with key prediction themes revolving around Internet of Things (IoT) leverage, artificial intelligence (AI) deployments, and 5G use cases
Emma Mohr-McClune, Service Director at GlobalData

The first 5G-enabled iPhone is expected in September, which is a milestone moment for the 5G industry. What is more, mid-tier 5G handsets will arrive in 2020 as well.

In 2019, a number of new ‘100% digital brands’ announced their appearance in the market. Those brands are entirely carrier-owned and managed. They were created to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the digital go-to-market provisioning model, speaking of registration and billing, SIM ordering, plan customization and support.

Despite the fact that Facebook’s Libra ambitions were dashed year ago, the discussions that appeared underlined the increasing influence of cryptocurrencies in the industry worldwide.


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