Along with customer reviews, price comparison websites and tips from friends and family are also often used
According to Ecommerce News, more than half of Germans use customer reviews to help them make a buying decision. Youngsters specifically rely on the experiences that other buyers had with a certain product.
56% of Germans consider reviews as an important decision-making help while making a purchase.
Among 1,024 Germans surveyed, 62% of female online shoppers rely on ratings, compared to 50% of male online shoppers.
66% of respondents aged 16 to 29 years and 61% of 30-49-year-olds unveil they read customer reviews online before buying. As to 50-64-year-olds, it’s 49% who do this and in the age group 65 years, only 39% read customer reviews.
Besides customer reviews, shoppers also rely on price comparison websites. The survey says that 48% of Germans use them before buying something online, while 41% rely on tips given by friends or family. 36% trust test reports from TV, online or print media, whereas only 24% use the retailers’ websites.