All materials - page 317

Finance & Economics

Chip-makers and smartphone businesses expect their profits to fall: low demand is to blame

Companies related to chip-making cut their revenue forecasts as demand for tech products is weaker than expected

Finance & Economics

BNB Chain halts upon $100M cross-chain bridge exploit 

BNB Chain has faced a significant exploit, with all deposits and withdrawals suspended on the network

Finance & Economics

PKO Bank Polski opens in Metaverse

PKO Bank Polski, the largest bank in Central and Eastern Europe, has set up a virtual branch in the metaverse of the Decentraland platform

Blockchain & Crypto

Web3 gaming is far from mainstream adoption: survey

Survey commissioned by Coda Labs revealed a public perception of crypto, NFTs and Web3 gaming


Lloyds Bank combined spending and savings in a new solution for kids

Smart Start from Lloyds Bank gives kids an opportunity to manage their money and get into the habit of saving

Fintech & Ecommerce

Singapore’s MAS introduces ESG Impact Hub

The Hub will anchor industry-driven sustainability initiatives 

Finance & Economics

Santander UK launches unique service for homeowners

The new mobile service from Santander UK gives an overview of your estimated property value, mortgage balance, energy performance and home maintenance


The state of crypto laundering and fraud incidents: report

Recent reports reveal the extent of cross-chain crypto crime and losses from crypto hacks and alleged fraud incidents

Fintech & Ecommerce

Adyen & Tink partner for open banking payments

Dutch fintech giant Adyen will enable its customers to offer open banking payments with the help of embedded technology from Tink

Fintech & Ecommerce

Mastercard to bring additional security and trust to the crypto ecosystem

Mastercard has launched a platform to help card issuers comply with the complex regulatory landscape of the crypto sector, assessing the risk profile of 2,400 crypto exchanges 

Science & Technology

Twitter soars 23% as Elon Musk is renewing a takeover

Twitter stock surges after the reported renewal of the buyout offer from Elon Musk

Finance & Economics

What does Kim Kardashian’s $1.26M SEC fine mean for crypto-influencers?

The crypto community is unsettled as SEC fined reality star Kim Kardashian for promoting the cryptocurrency EthereumMax (EMAX)


Beeple’s Discord URL ‘hijacked,’ users’ wallets under threat

Another phishing scam got NFT artist’s Discord server hacked. Beeple warned users to be cautious

Fintech & Ecommerce

Cryptocurrency Trends

The world as we know it is evolving rapidly. With that, so is how we use and conduct our financial transactions, whether through traditional currency, online banking, or even cryptocurrency


UK data reform bill is on pause: the reason revealed

The UK government has confirmed another pause to draft digital legislation – another look at replacing GDPR is required


Promoting ESG agenda: Google opens applications for circular economy accelerator

The new online-only accelerator is Google’s latest attempt to facilitate the growth of environmentally focused startups with its cloud-based products