Science & Technology

Shopping on Thanksgiving weekend: research presented

Retailers are preparing for one of the busiest shopping weekends annually

Thanksgiving sale

Shopping on Thanksgiving weekend: research presented. Source:

According to the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics annual survey, about 165.3 million people likely to shop Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday.

The numbers say that 39.6 million consumers are considering shopping on Thanksgiving Day, 114.6 million on Black Friday, 66.6 million on Small Business Saturday, and 33.3 million on Sunday. The shopping weekend is expected to end on Cyber Monday, with 68.7 million customers.

As to the age range, younger consumers are significantly more likely to shop over the Thanksgiving weekend. 88% of the customers between 18-24 years old say they are willing to shop and particularly enjoy the social aspect. In addition to that, 84% of ages 25-34 plan to shop.
What is more, the proportion of people shopping in-store is about 47%, meanwhile, those, who prefer online shopping, constitute 41%.

As to the major reasons for shopping, people aim to buy goods because the deals are too good to pass up (65%) and that’s an annual tradition (28%). The others say that’s the time they like to start their shopping (22%), also meaning that’s something to do over the holiday (21%). 17% of people claim shopping to be a good group activity with friends and family.


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