
Tourists in China can now use Alipay

For the first, time Ant Financial makes Alipay accessible for international tourists


Tourists in China can now use Alipay. Source:

From now on, international travelers will be able to make payments in the territory of China in one click using one of the most popular Chinese payment apps – Alipay.

They will just need their phone number, a visa, and a bank card to sign up for Alipay’s ‘Tour Pass’ mini-program. As to the benefits, the platform allows to make offline payments, but also rent cars, purchase train tickets and book hotels. A tourist will have access to Tour Pass only for three months. After that period any leftovers will be refunded automatically.

A guide to Alipay for tourists. Source:

Latterly, local phone number and the Chinese bank account have been required to access Alipay, making it impossible for international visitors to use the app.

The flow of international tourists in China is growing every year. In 2018, 30.5 million international visitors arrived, making purchases in areas such as hotels, shopping, and food for a total of $73.1 billion last year.


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