Articles - page 78

Fintech & Ecommerce

7 Ways for a Fintech to Become More ESG-Focused

To succeed in an increasingly competitive fintech sphere, startups and long-established businesses must demonstrate they are socially conscious and have ethical management practices. Here are the main ways a fintech company may improve its ESG objectives

Science & Technology

SaaS Risk Management 101

It’s easy to understand why enterprise Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) usage is booming; end-user spending globally is expected to increase by more than 40% to $170 billion in 2022. SaaS apps offer an agile, adaptable method to give employees the functionalities they need, when and when they need them, as businesses change to support new work paradigms. […]

Society & Lifestyle

Why Do Casinos Provide Low Deposit Bonus Offers?

Online casinos have implemented many policies to attract new players to the gambling industry. Mainly, two categories of gaming operators exist, and both have their own sets of policies to cater to both the existing player base and new players. Low deposit casinos are one of them, the second being high deposit casino sites.  It […]

Society & Lifestyle

Discover HasanaH – Giving Back To Charity, Easier Than Ever

In a world of ever-increasing inequality and poverty, it’s never been more important to give back. But what if giving back was easier than ever? Introducing HasanaH , the revolutionary new platform that makes donating to charity faster and simpler than ever before! HasanaH offers a convenient, secure way for users to donate money to charities of their […]

Blockchain & Crypto

What are the best Web3 projects?

Exploring Web3 may feel like it’s 1991 again, and HTMLs, URLs and static pages have only just ushered users in the Web1. In reality, accepting confusion is the first step to learning, and bypassing the threshold into unknown territory. In 2023, we have all the tools for getting started with Web3 and embracing everything the […]

Fintech & Ecommerce

How Fintechs Benefit from ESG Focus

Focusing on ESG initiatives not only benefits the environment and local communities, but also helps fintechs attract venture capital and gain substantial profits


Kostiantyn Koshelenko Explains Ukraine’s New Digital Humanitarian Platform eDopomoga

The humanitarian platform eDopomoga was created by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine State Enterprise with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the World Bank and UNDP in Ukraine with the financial support of Sweden. The platform has […]

All materials

Dubai Customs Clearance Procedure: Everything You Need To Know

Dubai is an iconic destination for the modern traveler, boasting a unique blend of old and new. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that navigating customs clearance can be intimidating to visitors unfamiliar with the process. But understanding Dubai’s customs requirements doesn’t have to be daunting – if you plan ahead and know what […]

Science & Technology

Formula One Racing And Sports Broadcasting Redefined

Formula One racing is one of the most popular sports in the world. It has captivated audiences for decades with its thrilling races and colorful characters. But now, a new era of Formula One racing is emerging that promises to redefine how fans experience the sport. With advances in technology, sports broadcasting and streaming services […]

All materials

Unlocking The Secrets Of Trade Triggers

The world of trading is full of secrets and mysteries that only the most experienced traders know. But what if there was a way to unlock these secrets and get in on the action? Could understanding certain triggers help us make better trades? We’ll investigate this theory, as well as explore how unlocking the secrets […]

Finance & Economics

An Introduction To Withholding Tax

Taxes can be intimidating and overwhelming for most of us. Withholding tax is just one type of tax that may affect your finances, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Knowing the basics of how withholding tax works is important in understanding how it affects your overall financial situation. So let’s begin with an […]

Society & Lifestyle

How to Apply for a Centrelink Loan

Centrelink loans are a form of government financial assistance offered to eligible Australians. They provide vital assistance to those in need, with the flexibility and convenience of having the funds delivered directly into their bank accounts. These loans are generally offered as a form of relief during periods of life crisis, such as unexpected job […]

Finance & Economics

Virtual Fintech: Banking in the Metaverse

The buzzword of today – metaverse – drives closer attention and huge investments from all major tech players. Retailers and banks cannot stay behind.


Can Crypto Improve Financial Inclusion?

Although the crypto market is widely held as speculative, it can be of great use for unbanked citizens worldwide. Specifically, crypto is one of the ways to improve financial inclusion in remote regions, far from traditional bank branches

Finance & Economics

6 Ways To Boost Retention Of Casual Staff For Your Workplace

For many business owners, maintaining a roster of casual staff is an essential element of managing their company operations. Keeping a casual payroll can help business owners fill staffing gaps during busy periods throughout the year, ranging from the holiday season to end of financial year sales, and everything in between.  There’s no denying, however, […]

Blockchain & Crypto

How Can Crypto Benefit Education and Financial Literacy

If treated wisely, crypto can be a great tool for financial education. Although this aspect is not widely discussed, the educational value of crypto may be even more promising than its financial utility