E-commerce - page 18

Finance & Economics

E-commerce in Europe: top & fastest-growing markets

The Czech Republic is the fastest-growing e-commerce market in Europe

Finance & Economics

Here’s how coronacrisis impacted m-commerce: research

Smartphones have become the key to multi-channel commerce


Research reveals how coronacrisis impacted payments in Latin America

Latin Americans are buying much more online but are not changing their payment habits at the same speed

Finance & Economics

Xiaomi and former Amazon execs invested in Pakistani e-commerce platform

The investment provides an opportunity for Clicky to thrive in the fashion sector

Society & Lifestyle

German e-commerce to surpass €140 billion by 2024: forecast

German e-commerce keeps growing amid the coronacrisis

Finance & Economics

European Commission: retailers face territorial supply restrictions 

The Commission considers these restrictions would support the single market fragmentation


Primark CEO: people believing in permanent e-commerce shift are naive

The company conducted its own research on what happened to its retail business throughout the isolation

Finance & Economics

Here’s how e-commerce market in Vietnam will change by 2024

The Vietnamese government is making an accent on e-commerce sales and planning to develop this niche by 2025