
Gen Zers revealed which business they are going to support

This survey sheds light on how the pandemic consequences have affected the lives of Gen Zers and Millennials

Millennials Gen Zers

Gen Zers revealed which business they are going to support. Source:

Deloitte Global has conducted a survey revealing that 60% of Millennials and Gen Zers’ plan to buy more products from large businesses that take care of their employees during the pandemic.

At the same time, ¾ will make an extra effort to buy products and services from smaller, local businesses.

Meanwhile, 30% of Gen Zers and nearly a quarter of Millennials said they had either lost their jobs or been placed on temporary, unpaid leave.

And only for a third of Millennials and 38% of Gen Zers their employment and income status had been unaffected.

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically shifted our way of life—how we work, socialize, shop, and more—and young generations were especially impacted. However, despite uncertain and discouraging conditions, millennials and Gen Zers express impressive resiliency and resolve to improve the world. As we rebuild our economies and society, young people will be critical in shaping the world that emergesrn
Michele Parmelee, Deloitte Global Chief People and Purpose Office

We’ve reported that 68% of Millennials and Gen Xers think they will provide financial contributions to the parents if they outlive their retirement savings.


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