Articles - page 98

Science & Technology

B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B and other types of business

B2B, C2C, G2G… cunning abbreviations, simple definitions


How to make financial inclusion for women work

What can be done to make financial inclusion initiatives better suit the needs of women? Today, we’ll seek the answers along with the global change-makers


Top 5 cybersecurity lessons for banks

Here are some lessons to learn about the protection of banks’ IT systems and networks


Iran’s crypto mining ban explained

Another country is rocking the crypto boat with new legal restrictions


Canada’s economic forecast 2021: what’s coming next?

Bader Al Hussain PaySpace Magazine Analyst   Canada is one of the largest and most sophisticated economies of the developed world. Gifted with the most valuable natural resources such as oil and gas, the country is also equipped with a talented pool of human resources to navigate it through the fourth industrial revolution. Similar to […]


What is the gender pay gap?

Today, we’ll shed some light on the gender pay gap

Finance & Economics

Top 5 bank robberies in India

Let’s recall the biggest and boldest robberies that have taken place in India in recent times

Finance & Economics

Dow Jones Industrial Average index explained

Today, we’ll explain one of the most important concepts related to stock performance – the Dow aka DJIA


Top 10 economies in the world

PaySpace Magazine Global wonders which economies have managed to preserve stability and show resilience amidst the global turmoil

Science & Technology

Top 7 cloud security threats

Here is a list of the most common security issues the cloud environment faces

Fintech & Ecommerce

5 reasons why real-time payments are accelerating efficiency in our financial system

The rapid growth of the digital economy has brought along a never-ending demand for innovative solutions, which are providing breakthroughs for this fast-evolving environment. One of the most influential breakthroughs for the digital economy has been the introduction of real-time payments to our global financial system. But what makes real-time payments so useful? And, how […]

Blockchain & Crypto

Here’s why Bitcoin is a good long-term investment

What makes BTC such a good long-term investment? There are a few key factors


3 things to consider when investing in gold

There’s no doubt that you might be thinking about investing in gold, but how do you get started? Every investor is eager to invest in currency like gold because of how volatile it is. And not to talk of how safe it keeps your capital without allowing it to depreciate. Investing in gold allows you […]


China’s economic forecast 2021: what’s coming next?

Bader Al Hussain PaySpace Magazine Analyst   The advent of COVID-19 devastated the world’s economy at a global scale, triggering health and social crises all over the world. However, there were some countries that mitigated the damage caused by this novel virus through effective and evidence-based policy making and its implementation. China is one of […]

Science & Technology

Beauty tech: top 5 trends to watch out for

Here are the most promising beauty tech trends in 2021 and beyond


Top 10 banking cards for kids

For many parents the question is not whether to get a banking card for their child, but which one to choose. Hopefully, this article will help you with that tough decision