Articles - page 97


What Are the Best Currency Pairs to Trade for Solid Returns?

Here’s what you need to know


Los 5 mejores bancos en Perú

En esta ocasión, hablaremos de los bancos de Perú más importantes y populares

Finance & Economics

How to get to Facebook Marketplace

If you still wonder how to do it, we’re here to help


What to do if your phone is lost or stolen

Losing a phone seems like a catastrophe, yet 70 million smartphones are lost or stolen each year in the US alone. What should you do if your phone is nowhere to be found?

Finance & Economics

Why good web design matters for your company

When companies of all shapes and sizes attempt to attract new customers, the main focus tends to be on marketing and sales. However, this will only get you so far. If your website does not incorporate the principles of quality, user-friendly web design, you risk losing a potential client at the outset. According to some […]

Finance & Economics

Kenya’s economic forecast 2021: what’s coming next?

Bader Al Hussain PaySpace Magazine Analyst   Similar to the majority of the countries, Kenya also experienced the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on all spheres of life. On the economic front, the country’s GDP growth decelerated to 1.4 % in 2020 as compared to 5.4% in 2019. The primary drivers of the growth […]

Finance & Economics

Income inequality and gender: truth unveiled

All people are made equal. Yet not all get equal incomes. It’s only natural since equal doesn’t mean the same


How bingo can help restaurants and libraries to attract new clients

Bingo has been an incredibly popular way of spending some time playing games for as long as most people can remember. The first modern version is thought to have taken place in American fairs in the 1920s, but how has it evolved recently to turn into something that can help businesses to attract more customers? […]

Finance & Economics

Bearish vs bullish: difference explained

What do bears and bulls have to do with the stock market?


Open banking in Europe: will Ukraine join the race?

Open banking refers to the manner in which banks allow third parties to access their customers’ accounts through application programming interfaces (APIs). These fintech companies access the accounts with prior customer authorization, allowing them to use the customers’ banking information to inform new products and services. Sceptics find open banking as a potential security risk […]


5 maneras de apoyar a los negocios locales que se recuperan de la pandemia

Los especialistas afirman que una vía de mejora económica para los pequeños emprendedores es motivar a las personas a encontrar maneras de apoyar a los negocios locales que están saliendo del cierre total y a continuación encontrarás unos tips para hacerlo

Fintech & Ecommerce

Robinhood app guide & ins and outs

They say, nothing costs more than something that’s free. Is it true for zero-fee platform Robinhood?

Science & Technology

Best Robinhood stocks to buy now

What are the best Robinhood stocks to buy now?


Payroll evolution: how will we receive salaries in the future?

In the nearest future, we’ll witness the rise of end-of-shift payments which will eventually lead to single payment accounts

Fintech & Ecommerce

Swish: the unique nature of Swedish payment app

If the phrase “swish it to me” puzzles you, this article is a must-read

Blockchain & Crypto

Cryptocurrency savings accounts: pros & cons

Savings accounts are a must for those taking care about the future, but is it worth opening one in crypto?