Blogs - page 12


What is an IBAN Number?

Emily John Content writer   If you have ever sent money overseas via a bank transfer then you have probably already come across an IBAN number. Most bank accounts have them, but they’re only used when you are facilitating an international bank transfer. You may have heard of an IBAN number used in regards to […]

Finance & Economics

4 actionable tips for fintech startups

Emily John Content writer   Finance and tech have amalgamated with each other over the years. Gone are the days when the only way of sending and receiving money was carrying around gold and silver coins. In this day and age, technology has made it effortless to send money from one place to the other. […]


Reasons why app development budgets vary in 2022

Vitaly Makhov CEO at DOIT Software   The average app price can vary drastically depending on the factors such as app complexity, vendor location, deadlines, etc. But how to keep your app development budget tight and avoid overspending? According to the research from the Business Of Apps, the average cost to produce an app lies […]


Should you invest in bitcoins?

Jean Nichols Content writer   Cryptocurrencies are a new type of currency that has gained popularity in recent years. Bitcoin is one of these digital currencies. It is a sort of digital currency that stores a record of numerous transactions and a national currency that operates independently of a central bank. Buying and selling bitcoin […]


Blockchain and agricultural industry: things to learn

Jean Nichols Content writer   Ever since the initial establishment of cryptocurrencies, it has been subject to high praises by investors. The Blockchain technology that powers the digital assets is a public ledger that permits users to interchange values with each other without the requirement of a third party. It has also been the topic […]

Blockchain & Crypto

Cryptocurrency effectiveness: a country-by-country evaluation

Jean Nichols Content writer   Bitcoin is, obviously, the world’s most significant digital currency for which legitimateness changes extraordinarily across the district, and many areas are yet uncertain or working through lawful issues. Despite the numerous options accessible, Bitcoin rules the universe of cryptographic money, drawing in financial backers worldwide. So its legitimate status justifiably […]

Finance & Economics

Getting a mortgage while being a student: is it possible?

Nancy Howard Content Writer   As a student, you likely already have a lot on your plate. From regular assignments to potentially messy roommates to stressful exam periods, it all adds up and creates a somewhat challenging learning experience. And yet, some students still choose to take on even more responsibilities like having a part-time […]


Akurateco Starts Huge Black Friday Sale for Payment Software

Vladimir Kuiantsev CEO of Akurateco   Amsterdam based SaaS company Akurateco with specialization in payment software solutions offers huge Black Friday discounts for their products: White-label Payment Gateway: The setup fee is only 2500 EUR instead of regular EUR 5000 for the setup of fully customized Payment Gateway Payment Orchestration Platform: The setup fee is […]

Finance & Economics

How to keep your business cyber attack proof: best practices to follow

Daniel Martin Writer   The continuous evolution of internet technologies has come with many advantages. This advancement has enabled the development of: Internet-based systems E-commerce websites Cloud computing services All these products of internet technologies have been adopted by businesses and organizations. Their adoption has, however, led to the creation of a new concern for […]


Is IT team leasing really worth it?

MK Akram Writer   The number of IT companies has been increasing rapidly in the 21st century. But IT specialists are not found everywhere. A company may have one or two IT specialists but having a team is far from possible. There is unequal distribution. Companies go looking for alternative solutions when it comes to […]


Does the gaming industry offer value to investors in 2022?

Melissa Hart Content Writer   The stock markets are notoriously difficult to predict and they have probably never been more unpredictable than they are right now. Last year we saw a huge sell-off of just about every asset class before many tech companies enjoyed meteoric rises that more than made up for the losses they […]

Blockchain & Crypto

Crypto lending from scratch? An easy-to-understand explanation

Maria Liveley Author   The crypto industry is evolving very rapidly, providing additional options for making money. In traditional finance, users have a saving account with banks to earn interest on their money. The interest rate is less than 0.5% annually. On the other hand, through one of its latest strategies, crypto lending, the crypto […]

Fintech & Ecommerce

Smart routing, cascading, and decline reason management: why and what for?

Vladimir Kuiantsev CEO of Akurateco   If you’re long enough in the payment industry, you’ve probably heard about both smart routing and cascading. And quite often, people use these terms interchangeably while in reality, they’re not the same. In this article, we’ll explain the difference between both terms and talk to you about decline reason […]


“Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurs” project benefits for students

Paul Calderon Content writer   Social entrepreneurs are different from other types of entrepreneurs because they provide solutions to problems at the societal level. They make investments that bring them profits while at the same time providing avenues to help fight poverty at the community level and empower the less privileged. This is a special […]

Finance & Economics

Importance of writing a perfect personal statement applying for a job

Paul Calderon Content writer   More and more jobs require you to send a personal statement along with your resume. And many candidates and students in search of their first job might feel confused and overwhelmed by this new requirement. But even though writing a personal statement might seem difficult, there are a few tips […]

Blockchain & Crypto

Some fascinating terms of the Bitcoin mining process

Jean Nichols Author   Bitcoin is a robust cryptocurrency underlying blockchain and a peer-to-peer network. Furthermore, Bitcoin is an elating payment method as the transaction fees and potential of transactions in the Bitcoin complex are much in contrast to the traditional banking system. Bitcoin is majorly famous for its profit potential and store value. However, […]