Society & Lifestyle - page 50

Science & Technology

500 US firms filed for bankruptcy so far: what’s coming next

If the pandemic is not controlled, it will increase the number of bankruptcy cases

Finance & Economics

5 apps for personal budgeting

These apps will help you to stick to your budget in 2020


Data on over 18K COVID-19 patients accidentally leaked online

Personal data of all Welsh COVID-19 patients has been leaked

Science & Technology

Video streaming software market to more than double by 2025

The research forecasts growth for the global video streaming software market

Finance & Economics

UK faced sharp impersonation scam increase amid lockdown

A lot of impersonation scam victims are convinced to make a payment to the criminals thinking they’re from trusted organizations

Science & Technology

Back-to-school season drives global e-commerce – ACI Worldwide

The research shows which e-commerce sectors faced major increases and drops in August

Science & Technology

Scotland launches coronavirus contact-tracing app

The contact-tracing technology in Scotland was first announced in May 2020

Science & Technology

Coronacrisis causes defaults on invoices: research

Customers are more likely to default on invoices

Science & Technology

Sextech device adoption almost doubled amid lockdown

Consumer spending on sextech devices grew to simulate intimacy, without breaching social distancing measures

Finance & Economics

How to detect counterfeit dollars

These 7 points will help you to detect counterfeit dollars

Science & Technology

What UK employees think about future of their companies: survey

Many UK workers are still unsure about what their employer expects of them amid the coronacrisis

Science & Technology

Pandemic accelerated technological revolution in retail: survey

Barclays has surveyed more than 300 senior retail executives across the UK


Coronacrisis positively affected UK small businesses’ productivity

The prospect of working remotely for months was a major concern for UK small businesses

Science & Technology

People in countries affected by COVID-19 the most will cut spending

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way Europeans shop online and offline


Over third of consumers purchased from new brands during lockdown

The report includes insights about shopping habits from over 8,000 consumers across the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia

Science & Technology

Here’s how coronacrisis impacted global e-commerce industry

 The global e-commerce market has increased significantly over the last few decades

Society & Lifestyle