Mining - page 2

Blockchain & Crypto

Bitdeer and Bhutan Investment Arm Launch Sustainable Digital Asset Mining

The upcoming carbon-free digital asset mining operations in Bhutan complement Bitdeer’s international expansion, with existing data centers in Northern Europe and North America


Biden Budget Proposes Crypto Mining Tax

A budget proposal by U.S. President Joe Biden aims to “reduce mining activity” with a 30% tax on electricity costs linked to the cryptocurrency mining process


Blockstream Raises $125M to Expand Bitcoin Mining

The $125M funding will enable Blockstream to expand the Bitcoin mining capacity for institutional hosting customers

Blockchain & Crypto

America’s First Nuclear-Powered Bitcoin Mining Center

Cumulus Data will open America’s first nuclear-powered Bitcoin mining center in Pennsylvania.

Blockchain & Crypto

El Salvador Passes Bill To Fund Building ‘Bitcoin City’

El Salvador’s National Bitcoin Office (NBO) has announced the passing of the Digital Assets Issuance bill. Passed by the El Salvador Congress on January 11, with 62 members voting for and 16 against, the bill will become law once signed by President Nayib Bukele.

Science & Technology

You Should Plant 430 Million Trees to Offset Yearly Crypto Mining: Research

A new study from Forex Suggest reveals 431.6 million trees would need to be planted to amend bitcoin mining pollution over the last year only, not to mention the impact of other crypto activities


Galaxy Digital to Acquire Bitcoin Miner Argo

The troubled Bitcoin miner Argo will avoid bankruptcy as Galaxy Digital has agreed to acquire its mining facility Helios for $65 million

Blockchain & Crypto

Binance Cloud Mining Suffers from Extreme Weather

The severe winter storm in North America completely made Binance shut down its cloud mining products during Dec. 24-26, so users’ subscriptions were extended for three days

Blockchain & Crypto

Microsoft Bans Cryptocurrency Mining on Azure

Microsoft tries to increase the stability and safety of its cloud services by imposing new restrictions on activities like cryptocurrency mining

Blockchain & Crypto

Bitcoin Mining Powers Rural Settlement in Kenya

Despite its high energy intensity, crypto supporters claim Bitcoin mining can have a positive environmental effect. One project in Kenya shows how it might change the lives of rural communities

Finance & Economics

Ethereum Roadmap Gets Another Stage: The Scourge

A new milestone on the Ethereum technical roadmap aims to improve censorship resistance and decentralization of the network


BTC energy use surges 41%, urging regulations

The environmental impact of crypto mining is rising regulatory alert, as BTC energy use sees a significant increase year-on-year


Binance launches lending for crypto miners

The new lending project will provide crypto miners with access to a $500 million loan fund 


Bitcoin miners seek profitability through consolidation: Crusoe acquires peer mining firm

Crusoe Energy Systems has just acquired the operating assets of Great American Mining, as bitcoin mining consolidation goes on

Blockchain & Crypto

Bitcoin carbon footprint equals to 6 million cars

Bitcoin industry’s carbon footprint is close to the annual emissions of 6 million cars, according to a calculator from the Environmental Protection Agency


Bitcoin mining can solve the global energy crisis: here’s how 

Repurposing Bitcoin mining heat can potentially help solve several energy problems