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Mastercard releases a card for transgender community

For many people worldwide, the name printed on their cards doesn’t reflect who they truly are

True Name card

Mastercard releases a card for transgender community. Source: unsplash.com

Mastercard has revealed its intentions to bring the True Name card to Europe in 2020. That would allow people to reflect their preferred identity on their payment cards.

The report states that the name on the cards can be a source of sensitivity and embarrassment for the transgender and non-binary communities. What is more, the option to change their name results in a long and difficult legal process.

This way, the True Name card has been designed to change by allowing individuals to display their preferred name on their card.

Mastercard aims to have the True Name card available in Europe for as many countries as possible by the end of 2020.

Our names define us, and for millions, in the LGBTQ+ community, their payment card doesn’t currently enable people to be their true selves. As allies of the LGBTQ+ community, we have an opportunity to affect real and meaningful change that will help address and alleviate this issue. We urge our partners to join us in making the True Name™ card possible in countries across Europe so that we can help ease the journey for the transgender and non-binary community to using their true identity safely, simply and with pride
Mark Barnett, President, Europe, Mastercard 

We’ve reported that Revolut is issuing a rainbow card for clients across the UK and Europe to mark Pride celebrations.


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