Science & Technology - page 151

Society & Lifestyle

One more industry suffering great losses due to pandemic named

Both workplaces and workforces will not be the same after the crisis


JD develops new types of robots in response to coronavirus

The robots are equipped in a way to significantly decrease human-to-human contact


49% of Americans don’t trust companies in data protection

Over 10,000 adults across Australia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, the UK, and the US revealed their attitudes about cyber safety

Fintech & Ecommerce

Users can now link their bank accounts to Microsoft Excel

Money in Excel enables users to get a better understanding of their incomes and spendings


IoT to grow 130% over the next 4 years: forecast

That’s a 130% growth over the next 4 years

Society & Lifestyle

How to pay for Netflix: quarantine guide

Netflix is on the rise while we’re locked up on quarantine


Involvement in crypto rises amid coronavirus outbreak: research

CB Insights conducted research on the opportunities of blockchain during the pandemic


Netflix stock jumps up as more people streaming at home

Earlier, the US Senate passed a $2 trillion coronavirus bailout to support consumers and major businesses


Over 80% of US consumers try new brands due to COVID-19 hoarding  

500 people surveyed revealed their shopping attitudes amid the coronavirus outbreak


Video marketing statistics: what you must know for 2020

Andre Oentoro founder of Breadnbeyond   Over the past few years, the sheer volume of online videos is growing dramatically. It has now become a staple content that internet users consume for their daily dose of internet. That’s why YouTube, as a video sharing platform, has become the world’s second-largest search engine for some reason. […]


E-commerce to lose $25B due to payment fraud by 2024: research

Since the e-commerce payments gained their popularity, they became a compelling target for fraudsters


Here’s how coronavirus pandemic could help the environment

The report explained possible positive impacts for the environment amid COVID-19 crisis


Covid-19 leads to revenue and labor loss across Europe

COVID-19’s outbreak has a significant impact on European e-commerce

Society & Lifestyle

Cost makes Americans think twice before seeking medical care 

The healthcare cost in the US is still a factor for many citizens, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic


America’s public debt increased by $1.3T in 6 months

Amid the coronavirus, the US public debt is expected to increase over the next several months


Less than half of Americans have emergency funds: research

Coinstar surveyed 1,006 US adult citizens to find out their opinions towards personal budgeting

Science & Technology