UK - page 23


British furloughed employees increased pension contributions due to COVID-19

People in full-time employment also enhanced their contributions

Finance & Economics

New school year costs British parents over £180 per child

Also, nearly 1 in 10 pupils dream of becoming a teacher when they grow up


Lack of payment methods in the UK results in loss of money

More than 2.200 UK adults over 18 years old shared their opinions


Brits unveiled what financial freedom really looks like

Just under 1 in 10 would like nothing more than being able to buy their team’s new football shirt as soon as it comes out

Blockchain & Crypto

PayPal users in the UK can now buy, hold and sell cryptocurrency

That’s the first international expansion of PayPal’s cryptocurrency service beyond the US

Finance & Economics

Here’s how much Amazon sellers make up of UK’s retail sales

Although Amazon is not only a major retailer itself, it’s also a marketplace for many sellers worldwide


UK to witness a boost in second-hand Christmas gifts: here’s why

Also, the challenge second-hand suppliers may see this year comes from the nature of Christmas itself

Finance & Economics

Half of younger Scots rent or live with parents

The survey shared opinions of over 2,100 18 to 34-year-olds living in Scotland


Millennials are the UK’s leading entrepreneurs: research

The study analysed over 400,000 records from Companies House over the past 11 months


British charity shops sell 151% more online

Many charity sales happened on eBay

Science & Technology

Nearly 100 new UK businesses created every hour in Q1 2021

New research has revealed that more British businesses have been set up at the start of this year than any first quarter in history

Science & Technology

Survey reveals UK is a nation of online armchair traders

2,000 people across the UK shared their opinions


Brits are cancelling their subscriptions in less than a year: here’s why

The average UK shopper cancels subscription in 5.3 months

Science & Technology

Misconceptions make young Brits more vulnerable to fraud

The majority of Britons mistakenly believe that older people are more susceptible to fraud


Here’s who accounted for over 60% of high-value VC investments in Q2 2021

Both nations attracted high-value VC investment deals worth over $100 million both in terms of volume and value