Society & Lifestyle - page 53


These technologies can help to reopen schools safely

Educational institutions aim to minimize the risk of the virus’s spread


Touchless payments across US to increase by nearly 70%: survey

The use of contactless payments has increased since consumers are worried about touching surfaces amid the pandemic

Finance & Economics

American top business concerns amid pandemic: what are they?

The company surveyed 400 investors and 100 business owners across the US


Top 7 franchise businesses to bring your attention to in 2020

Find the best franchise to buy in 2020


Here’s how pandemic shifted consumers’ and SMBs’ behaviors

Visa has assessed the dramatic shift to digital commerce in response to the pandemic

Finance & Economics

How to start a company in India

Starting a company in India is not that hard


Research reveals how many products Europeans buy per month

The survey was conducted among almost 6,000 consumers from France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, and Spain


Borrowing and lending dropped by 40% in UK amid lockdown

The pandemic has caused a shift in borrowing and lending

Fintech & Ecommerce

Consumer credit cards reward value to surpass $65B by 2023: research

Digital reward schemes will be instrumental in encouraging spend during the pandemic

Finance & Economics

Here’s how coronacrisis impacted return rate

People have ordered more, but proportionally returned less

Science & Technology

Brits plan to spend over £9B on high street shopping: American Express

Shoppers are hitting their local high street to treat themselves with meals or some new items for their wardrobe

Finance & Economics

Experts share thoughts on how COVID-19 will change payments

The global payments industry is leading from the front by example in its response to COVID-19

Science & Technology

How will post-COVID-19 workplace look like

The research shows how companies are reprioritizing business and employee needs amid the pandemic


Over 80% of Americans would still like to work remotely: survey

IBM surveyed more than 7,000 Americans in July


How to create a chatbot for Facebook

Facebook offers a chatbot service you can personalize for your business


Taiwanese payment cards market forecast revealed

Taiwan is among the least affected nations from the COVID-19 pandemic

Society & Lifestyle