Society & Lifestyle - page 64


Consumer device shipment to face a $42B revenue gap over 9 months

The analysis focused on key device verticals including smartphones, tablets, consumer robotics, smart speakers and wearables


Sales, discounts, special offers: how business facilitates social isolation

Find out what deals and freebies available now due to COVID-19


German businesses get help from new online platform

The initiative enables the owners to pay their employees, feed their families and pay their bills

Finance & Economics

Swedish online supermarket stops e-commerce activities

Customers’ hoarding forced ICA to make changes to its activities

Finance & Economics

Here’s how COVID-19 impacts global supply chains

Nowadays businesses are facing a burden the coronavirus puts on supply chains

Finance & Economics

How to shop during the quarantine

The quarantine shifted shopping focus from fashionable looks to food and personal hygiene products


Most UK stores to be closed until May 2020: forecast

The revised forecasts are predicated on the pandemic peaking in April


Southern Europe shifts to online grocery shopping amid COVID-19

Consumers across Italy, Spain, and France are discovering online shopping due to COVID-19 lockdown

Finance & Economics

Dutch banks allow contactless payments with no PINs 

From now on, the customers won’t need to enter their PIN for payments below €25


Tesla stock price has fallen by nearly half 

The company has already suspended production at its factory in New York and California

Blockchain & Crypto

How coronavirus affects cryptocurrency market

The major reasons why crypto market crashed


IT services to be hit by COVID-19 the most: research

Coronavirus is a test on companies’ ability to cope with extreme shocks


Skill gaming vs. gambling: regulations & payment processing challenges

Anastasiia Brener Senior Alternative Payment Methods Manager, Ikajo International Plenty of businesses go online. And it’s no wonder. There are limitless opportunities, including GEO reach, customer acquisition, and retention, offering a variety of payment methods, and growing brand awareness. Several numbers prove this hypothesis. According to Statista, the online gambling market accounted for $45.8 billion […]


Mother’s Day expected to deliver low physical shopping spending

The retailers with a weak online presence and heavy reliance on store sales will be the worst hit


RBC to close its branches due to COVID-19 pandemic

These temporary closures will not affect workers’ job security

Science & Technology

Google shares 8 tips on how to ensure remote work productivity

This way, the employees are expected to work as productively from home as they do in the office

Society & Lifestyle