STOP RUSSIA! - page 2


How much wheat do Ukraine and Russia produce?

Here is why the Russian-Ukrainian war is important to every other nation in the world


Guerra cibernética contra Rusia: así es como Anonymous se venga de Putin

Además de la guerra convencional entre Rusia y Ucrania, se está viviendo una intensa guerra cibernética y, el colectivo de hacktivistas Anonymous, ha liderado numerosos ataques exitosos y ha inutilizado sitios web gubernamentales, corporativos y de noticias rusos. El colectivo de hackers Anonymous no ha cesado de bombardear a Rusia con ciberataques desde que declaró […]


Africa could lose 10% of its population to hunger if the war in Ukraine lasts

East and North Africa are at the highest risk of extreme hunger


A total pile-up: Russia war losses estimated

Why has it happened?


Money over morality: financial players that are still operating in Russia amidst war

Here is the list of the major financial companies whose profits from Russian banking operations are prevailing over ethical principles

Fintech & Ecommerce

Malta-based Maxpay stops providing services for Russian and Belarusian companies

Opposing the invasion of Russia, Maxpay stopped serving all its merchants that have Russian/Belarusian citizenship and/or pay taxes there


U.S. government further attacks Russia’s economy

Alisa Adamska Author       Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world has shown its opposition by imposing a large number of sanctions on the Russian Federation. While these restrictions are aimed primarily at the Russian government, it is Russian oligarchs who are most affected by them. Given the financial nature of the sanctions, […]


Who is winning: Russia or Ukraine?

It seems that some nations are waiting to see who the clear winner is in this epic battle before they take any sides


Meta is confused by the war in Ukraine: Why?

Alisa Adamska Author       Facebook and Instagram policies regarding war-related content keep constantly changing, causing internal confusion. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Meta has made more than half a dozen content policy revisions. They have permitted sharing the type of content that would normally be blocked, even calling for the death of President […]

Science & Technology

Russia’s hypersonic missile urges for tougher sanctions 

Let’s analyse how dangerous Russian “Daggers” are and what this move means for planned economic sanctions


¿Cómo apoyar económicamente a las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania en una guerra con Rusia?

El gobernador del Banco Nacional de Ucrania, Kyrylo Shevchenko, anunció el 24 de febrero la apertura de esta cuenta especial vídeo de referencia. El Banco Nacional de Ucrania ha creado una cuenta especial para la recaudación de fondos para el ejército ucraniano. ¡Cualquier persona de cualquier país puede realizar donaciones! Para las remesas en UAH: […]


Number of forcibly deported to Russia Ukrainians may now reach 40,000

Ukraine is doing everything to save its citizens and bring them back home


‘Russian troops are deliberately shooting civilians in Chernihiv’, says Mayor Vladyslav Atroshenko

These shellings are completely chaotic and aimed at intimidating people even more


¿Por qué Rusia invadió Ucrania?

La invasión rusa a Ucrania no solo ha desestabilizado la región, sino que también ha afectado a la economía mundial incrementando la inflación, los precios del petróleo y los del gas. Además, existe la preocupación a nivel global de que la invasión rusa pueda provocar un choque de potencias nucleares. El intento de Vladimir Putin […]


Genome waives fees for Ukrainians

Genome, an Electronic Money Institution licensed and supervised by the Central Bank of Lithuania, waives its fees for Ukrainian citizens in order to help them open EUR accounts. This means that Ukrainians will no longer have today an opening fee and all transfers will have a temporary 6-month discount period. For more details, Genome created […]


Do not hesitate to block Russian websites – Play For Ukraine

While the Armed Forces of Ukraine are bravely fighting against the Russian occupants, the Internet army can make its contribution with the help of a simple game